Seals that Take Your Breath Away

Our Exper­tise

We are spe­cial­ists in seals for highly irreg­u­lar build­ing facades. Our clients already know that we are depend­able part­ners on any project and that we give the high­est pri­or­ity to on-​​time deliv­ery and prod­uct qual­ity.

Our com­pany has been in exis­tence for around 20 years and over that time we have pro­vided seals for hun­dreds of facades – includ­ing numer­ous out­stand­ing archi­tec­tural designs such as the Elbe Phil­har­monic Hall in Ham­burg, Ger­many, and Apple’s new cor­po­rate head­quar­ters in Cuper­tino, Cal­i­for­nia. Whether it is a large, pres­ti­gious build­ing or a small con­ser­va­tory, whether it is solar power or wind farms out at sea, every project has one thing in com­mon: the client relies one hun­dred per­cent on the high per­for­mance and dura­bil­ity of our rub­ber pro­files.


Our Phi­los­o­phy

Take advan­tage of our exten­sive expe­ri­ence as experts in high-​​quality, extruded EPDM seals. We pride our­selves on being able to find the per­fect solu­tion for extremely com­plex seal require­ments. We do this speed­ily and eco­nom­i­cally to ensure the project remains com­pet­i­tive.

We never com­pro­mise on qual­ity. In order to ensure the high­est lev­els of qual­ity in our prod­ucts we invest in devel­op­ing our own inno­v­a­tive and extremely high-​​performance mate­ri­als.


Our Processes

We strive to pro­mote con­tin­ual improve­ment. We do this by involv­ing our entire team. This devel­ops a qual­ity con­scious­ness at M+R that goes way beyond the require­ments of DIN ISO 9001:

  • con­tin­ual goods inward inspec­tion
  • qual­ity assess­ment of upstream sup­pli­ers
  • pro­duc­tion using reli­able man­u­fac­tur­ing machin­ery
  • ongo­ing test­ing dur­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing and on com­ple­tion
  • test­ing and opti­mi­sa­tion of processes
  • staff train­ing and fur­ther edu­ca­tion courses

We do reg­u­lar sup­plier eval­u­a­tions with our cus­tomers and they give us top marks for prod­uct qual­ity, reli­able deliv­ery and han­dling com­plaints.


Our Ser­vices

In the ideal sit­u­a­tion, we use a draw­ing pro­vided by the cus­tomer to pro­duce the tool with 100% accu­racy. Alter­nately, our experts can also sup­port you in design­ing the prod­uct. You are assured that we can pro­duce large num­bers of tools in a short amount of time. Even com­pli­cated geome­tries are a chal­lenge we can solve.

After you approve the design, we pro­duce the rub­ber pro­files and seals you need – in any amount required start­ing at approx­i­mately 660 lb.

Because of increas­ing demand, we are plan­ning to con­tin­u­ally expand moulded parts and vul­can­ised cor­ners.

Go to Our Processes in the menu to find out more.


Work­ing Together

Now that you have got to know us a lit­tle, why not return the favour and tell us about your prod­ucts and ser­vices. And, of course, how we can help you with your project.

Con­tact us and we will call you back. Or we can put you in touch right away with the con­tact per­son respon­si­ble for your require­ments.

Would you like to know more about our com­pany?

Fol­low the link to see a movie ver­sion of our com­pany pro­file.