Seal­ing Pro­files for Your Unique Facades

Our rub­ber pro­files are weather resis­tant and are there­fore ideal for facades and con­ser­va­to­ries. How­ever, we do not pro­duce a range of stan­dard prod­ucts. Instead we cre­ate prod­ucts that per­fectly sat­isfy cus­tomers’ indi­vid­ual require­ments. Whether for struc­tural glaz­ing facades or for mullion-​​transom facades – our extremely high per­for­mance tool man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­ity is well known for its tech­ni­cal solu­tions that are true to the draw­ings and sat­isfy prac­ti­cal con­sid­er­a­tions.


Take advan­tage of our years of expe­ri­ence and our know-​​how:

  • Large extruder sys­tems com­bined with salt bath vul­can­i­sa­tion means we can swiftly and eco­nom­i­cally man­u­fac­ture even large and com­plex pro­files.
  • Using inno­v­a­tive mix­tures (e.g. EPDM with sil­i­con char­ac­ter­is­tics) helps you reach your tar­get price. Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion by Dow Corn­ing and Sika for these types of EPDM are avail­able at the click of a but­ton. We are also avail­able to pro­vide per­sonal con­sul­ta­tion.
  • We guar­an­tee on-​​time deliv­ery of the goods ordered. This means your plan is guar­an­teed for every project phase.
  •  All pro­files can be sup­plied with PMMA tough­en­ing.


Struc­tural glaz­ing involves glu­ing or using a clamp­ing pro­file between the indi­vid­ual panes or fix­ing them at selected points. The joints between the indi­vid­ual panes are sealed using per­ma­nent elas­tic seals. There is no need for pres­sure bars or cover strips, cre­at­ing the impres­sion of an unsup­ported glass facade.


Our Strengths in Struc­tural Glaz­ing:

The seal con­tact area for adhe­sives and sealants usu­ally requires expen­sive sil­i­cone sealants. We pro­vide you with moulded sil­i­cone seals that fit exactly, man­u­fac­tured with EPDM, which have a con­sid­er­able cost advan­tage in rela­tion to sil­i­con seals.

Mullion-​​transom struc­tures involve fix­ing the panes of glass of a facade between hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal ele­ments. The frame­work of hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal ele­ments is vis­i­ble from the exte­rior.


Our Strengths in Mullion-​​Transom Struc­tures:

  • We can imple­ment pro­file geom­e­try to even the most exact­ing require­ments.
  • We have our own tool shop where our experts imple­ment your every require­ment.
  • We can man­u­fac­ture prod­ucts with large dimen­sions at any time on our pro­duc­tion machin­ery.
  • Take advan­tage of the excel­lent price-​​performance ratio pro­vided by salt bath vul­can­i­sa­tion (ideal for mullion-​​transom struc­tures).

These Tech­nolo­gies find use in Facade Engi­nee­ring

Tool pro­duc­tion


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Thanks to our highly devel­oped tool con­struc­tion facil­i­ties, at M+R – Pro­files we can man­u­fac­ture even dif­fi­cult pro­file geome­tries eco­nom­i­cally and with pre­ci­sion.



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We use three salt bath lines with diam­e­ters from 90mm to 120mm, and our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties are also equipped with a coex­tru­sion line.

Injec­tion Mold­ing


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We man­u­fac­ture seal­ing frames with pre­cise joins by using mod­ern injec­tion mould­ing presses.

Are you inter­ested in our prod­ucts?

Dipl. — Betriebsw.
Thomas Wolf