More Safety for Indus­trial Doors with M+R Seals

Our cus­tom seals are used at the vital inter­face between door and floor. To increase safety for sec­tional doors and roller doors, we man­u­fac­ture pro­files with com­plex geome­tries and high-​​gloss sur­faces. These make it pos­si­ble to install sen­sors in a hol­low space within the pro­file.

These opto­elec­tronic sen­sors guar­an­tee effec­tive pre­ven­tion of trap­ping haz­ards. The sys­tem uses a laser to react to any kind of obsta­cle between the bot­tom of the door and the facil­ity or exte­rior floor. There’s no eas­ier way to pre­vent acci­dents.

Addi­tion­ally, we pro­vide pro­file seals with sur­face treat­ments, for exam­ple an anti-​​friction coat­ing. Our tech­ni­cians are con­stantly improv­ing our prod­ucts to bet­ter con­form to your require­ments. Even if you pre­fer colour door pro­files, we are one of the few sup­pli­ers who can pro­vide them, thanks to our coex­tru­sion tech­nol­ogy.

These Tech­nolo­gies find use for the Indus­trial Doors

Tool pro­duc­tion


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Thanks to our highly devel­oped tool con­struc­tion facil­i­ties, at M+R – Pro­files we can man­u­fac­ture even dif­fi­cult pro­file geome­tries eco­nom­i­cally and with pre­ci­sion.



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We use three salt bath lines with diam­e­ters from 90mm to 120mm, and our pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties are also equipped with a coex­tru­sion line.

Injec­tion Mold­ing


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We man­u­fac­ture seal­ing frames with pre­cise joins by using mod­ern injec­tion mould­ing presses.

Are you inter­ested in our prod­ucts?

Dipl. — Betriebsw.
Thomas Wolf